Can Vitamin B5 Help with Weight Loss?

Vitamin B5 and Metabolism

Vitamin B5, also known as pantothenic acid, is important for energy metabolism and the synthesis of fatty acids. It supports the breakdown of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins into energy, which can be beneficial for weight management.

Benefits for Weight Management

– Energy Production: Enhances the breakdown of nutrients into energy, supporting a faster metabolism.

– Fat Metabolism: Supports the synthesis and breakdown of fatty acids, aiding in fat metabolism.

– Overall Health: Contributes to overall health, which can improve weight management efforts.

Sources in the USA

Vitamin B5 is found in foods like chicken, eggs, and whole grains. Including these in your diet can support weight management.


Vitamin B5 supports energy and fat metabolism, making it useful for weight loss. Ensure you get enough through diet.