How does stress affect pet care routines?

Stress and Pet Care The Pet Parenting Stressor Stress can affect pet care routines by influencing caregiving consistency, emotional responsiveness, and pet-owner interactions. In the U.S., pet owners may experience…

How does stress affect pet care routines?

Stress and Pet Care The Pet Parenting Stressor Stress can affect pet care routines by influencing caregiving consistency, emotional responsiveness, and pet-owner interactions. In the U.S., pet owners may experience…

Can pets help reduce stress?

How Pets Reduce Stress The Benefits of Animal Companionship Spending time with pets is a proven stress reliever. Whether it’s petting a dog or playing with a cat, interactions with…

Can pets help reduce stress?

How Pets Reduce Stress The Benefits of Animal Companionship Spending time with pets is a proven stress reliever. Whether it’s petting a dog or playing with a cat, interactions with…