Does Diet Soda Really Have No Calories or Are There Hidden Ones?

The Science Behind Diet Soda Calories

Most diet sodas contain less than 5 calories per serving, which can legally be labeled as “zero calories” in many countries, including the USA. However, these small amounts can add up if consumed in large quantities throughout the day.

Hidden Sources of Calories

Diet sodas contain artificial sweeteners, like sucralose or aspartame, which don’t add calories directly but can alter your body’s insulin response. Some studies suggest that artificial sweeteners may trick your brain into thinking you’re consuming sugar, which could lead to overeating other high-calorie foods.

Metabolic Impact

Although these drinks are “zero-calorie,” their metabolic effects can vary. The sweeteners can cause cravings for high-carb foods, leading to increased calorie intake from other sources.


While diet soda is technically low in calories, it can indirectly contribute to calorie consumption through cravings and metabolic changes. Therefore, it’s crucial to monitor both your diet soda intake and overall calorie consumption.

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